When you want to keep reading books on the page you read before, you may forget what page to read. Or when you want to find some file but your table was a mess. These all make you feel bad? Now,Xebe decorative paper clips are coming out! We can do customized produce according to your need. The decorative paper clips is mean you can put some special design on it. Although these items are small,they suit to be as promotional items. Some activity company will need some giveaway, decorative paper clips can be made for a large amount and not too expensive. These are a good choice! So,why wait? Come Xebe!
● Materail:Silicon/PVC
● Paperclip can be the tag of different papers
● You can use it as bookmark.
● Materail:Silicon/PVC
● Paperclip can be the tag of different papers
● You can use it as bookmark.